ISSRC Awards Program: New scholar award now open
The Joseph F. Donnermeyer New Scholar Award
(Early Career Researcher Award, single applicant)
Download the guidelines for the Joseph F Donnermeyer Award
- This award is given to an early career researcher for a publication pertaining to rural criminology. Sole or multi-authored publications can be submitted but only one applicant can receive the award.
- The nominee can be self-nominated or, nominated by other persons, with the nominee’s permission.
- The nominee can be based at a university or other higher education institution or, non-government or industry role, but they do not have to be in a position of employment.
- The publication can be a journal article or book chapter accepted for publication or published (in print or online) within the last 12 months.
- The application is to be accompanied by a nomination (not exceeding one A4 page) that provides a short career overview relevant to the nominated article in rural criminology.
- Previous applicants are eligible to apply in subsequent years.
- An early career researcher is defined as someone who is less than 7 years since being awarded their PhD.
- Applicants further than 7 years out who have experienced career interruptions (as outlined below, drawing on definitions provided by the Australian Research Council) are eligible for the award and should provide a brief outline of the interruption in their application (in addition to the one-page nomination).
Career interruptions – where the period of time claimed should be commensurate with the interruption – can be understood as:
- Disruption due to international relocation (not exceeding three months per move)
- Carer responsibilities
- Being the primary carer of a dependent child (two years per dependent child, inclusive of any period of parental leave, with no maximum identified)
- A primary carer of a dependent child who has had extensive caring responsibilities (due to for instance, illness and / or disability) is eligible for a further extension (in addition to the two years)
- Parental leave
- Medical condition
- Disability
- Non-research employment not concurrent with research employment
- Unemployment
Submissions to be sent to and received by 31 October 2020
Please direct enquiries to:
Winner to be announced at the ISSRC Annual General Meeting, 1-2 December 2020