This blog provides an opportunity for pithy observations or reflections on topical rural crime news and developments, a summary of research, promotion of publications, advertisements for upcoming events… and more! If you would like to contribute, email a submission of no more than 500 words to
New rural crime book series!
Myths about peaceful, crime-free areas beyond the cityscape persist, but in fact rural crime is multi-faceted, raising new policy predicaments about policing and security governance. With approximately 46 percent of the global population living in rural areas, a focus on rural crime in these diverse communities is critical.
Filling a gap in the discipline, the ‘Research in Rural Crime’ series – published by Bristol University Press – provides an outlet for original, cutting-edge research in this emergent criminological subfield. Truly international in nature, it leads the way for new research and writing on a wide range of rural crime topics, rural transgressions, security and justice.
The series editors would welcome monograph-length titles that are jurisdictional specific or related to themes that transcend political and juridical boundaries, presenting outlooks on contemporary and pressing public policy issues. Contributors to this series present pioneering interdisciplinary and comparative rural criminological perspectives. Titles will be theoretically and conceptually driven, empirical or adopting mixed-methods approaches, and topics will focus on regional, rural and remote parts of the globe that are often overlooked in criminological works. Books in this series can be sole or joint authored, or edited collections, and will be between 60,000 and 80,000 words in length.
If you would like to submit a proposal or discuss ideas, then please contact the Series Editors:
Alistair Harkness
Matt Bowden
Further information can be accessed at
2020 conferences and rural crime panels and papers
2020 presents a number of exciting opportunities where rural criminologists and like minded scholars, students and practitioners can showcase their work, learn more from others and to network professionally and socially. Following are details of five symposia/conferences.
Safety, resilience and community colloquium
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
When: 23 April 2020
The colloquium will be held in English and Swedish.
This event is free-of-charge but registration by 17 April is essential.
Stockholm Criminology Symposium
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
When: 9-11 June 2020
The Stockholm Criminology Symposium is an annual event, taking place in 2020 between 9 and 11 June. Vania Ceccato is organising a session on rural crime/criminology for this year’s Symposium. If you are interested in attending and presenting on an aspect or rural crime/rural criminology, contact Vania ASAP with the following information:
Session: Rural crime and community safety
Title of the presentation
Name, affiliation, title
Short abstract (about 100 words)
More information
European Society of Criminology
Where: Bucharest, Romania
When: 9-12 September 2020
Abstracts need to be received by 15 April 2020.
Early bird regsitration by 1 June 2020.
Rural crime panels:
- Two of our members, Kreseda Smith and Artur Pytlarz, are orgainising a themed panel on rural crime/rural security for this conference. If you would like to propose a paper presentation with this theme, please send abstracts of up to 250 words to Kreseda Smith and Artur Pytlarz by Friday 27 March 2020. More details here: Rural Crime Panel Brief FINAL2
- ISSRC President Joe Donnermeyer is taking a co-ordinating role for anyone else wanting to present a paper at EuroCrime2020 and wish to join a general rural crime themed panel. At this stage, one or more panels on ‘International perspectives of rural crime and criminology’ are being considered. Please contact Joe by email to advise of your intention to attend and present and he will help put you in touch with and to join with others.
Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe – 13th biennial conference
Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia
When: 14-16 September 2020
American Society of Criminology
Where: Washington DC, United States
When: 18-21 November 2020
Visit the ASC website for further information.
Rural crime panels:
In 2019 for the ASC conference which took place in San Francisco, our ISSRC President Joe Donnermeyer took a co-ordinating role for people wanting to present a paper and to join a panel. There is much merit in locating our individual papers within a themed panel rather than have them spread across a very large program and thus difficult to find. And, so, Joe is keen to hear from you if you are planning on visiting Washington this year.
Because of the sheer size of ASC, abstracts must be submitted early in the year. The deadline to submit abstracts for a Thematic Panel, Individual Paper, or Author Meets Critic Session is Friday March 20, 2020. Abstracts for Lightning Talks, Poster and Roundtable Submissions are due by Friday May 15, 2020. No late submissions will be accepted.
Please contact Joe by email to advise of your intention to attend and present, and he will help put you in touch with others.
Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2020
The Stockholm Criminology Symposium is an annual event, taking place in 2020 between 9 and 11 June. Vania Ceccato is organising a session on rural crime/criminology for this year’s Symposium. If you are interested in attending and presenting on an aspect or rural crime/criminology, contact Vania at by 24 February with the following information:
Session: Rural crime and community safety
Title of the presentation
Name, affiliation, title
Short abstract (about 100 words)
More information